Debit Order Form

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The Company : 

SA Franchise Warehouse (Pty) Ltd (Registration no: 2004/035257/07)

The Client : 

I/We, the undersigned, authorise The Company to draw against my/our Bank Account, the amount of R6 325.00 (Six thousand three hundred and twenty five rand allone)  VAT inclusive amount) as per the above mentioned agreement on the 5th day of each month, from the commencement date of the contract, until notice of termination. 

My/Our bank account details are as follows:

Receipt of this instruction by The Company shall be regarded as receipt thereof by my/your bank (whichever it is or will be).

I/We understand that the withdrawals, hereby authorised will be processed by computer through a system known as ACB Magnetic Tape Services and I/we also understand that the details of each withdrawal will be printed on my/our bank statement or on an accompanying voucher. All such withdrawals from my/our bank account by FBS Consulting (Pty) Ltd on behalf of The Company shall be treated as though they had been signed by me/us personally.

I/We undertake to ensure that adequate funds are available in the bank account detailed in this agreement, to cover the amounts due in terms

of this Debit Order Authorisation and agree to pay any bank charges relating thereto.

I/We undertake to inform The Company of any changes to my/our bank account details listed in the Debit Order Authorisation Agreement.

This authority may be cancelled by me/us by giving 30 days notice in writing, but I/we understand that I/we shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts withdrawn while this authority was in force if such amounts were legally owing in terms of the above mentioned contract.

Subscription agreement date with SA Franchise Warehouse (Pty) Ltd

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